Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Serving the Dallas & Fort Worth Area

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Dallas Car Accident Attorney

Contact us online or give us a call at to request a free consultation today.

Holding Negligent Drivers Accountable

According to the Centers for Disease Control, car accident deaths in Texas alone cost citizens approximately $4.89 billion each year. These figures account for medical expenses and lost wages associated with car crashes. Every year in the U.S., approximately 30,000 people are killed in car crashes. These figures don’t account for the many more who survive their accidents with serious and life-altering injuries. Survivors of car accidents may face long-term medical and rehabilitation costs. Their families may struggle to make ends meet due to missed time at work. Individuals may suffer immense pain and suffering, which can interfere with their ability to engage in regular life activities.

The vast majority of car accidents are highly preventable. Most car crashes are the result of human error.

Types Of Car Accident Injuries

Car accidents can lead to many serious injuries. Some of these injuries are incredibly costly to treat and can affect a person for months or years to come. If you or a loved one was hurt in a car accident in Dallas or the surrounding areas, the Law Offices of Robert Gregg can fight for you.

Common injuries sustained in car accidents include:

  • Spinal cord injury. A spinal injury is one of the most severe injuries a person can sustain. According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center, car accidents are the leading cause of spinal injury in the U.S. The average yearly cost for a person with spinal injury ranges from $42,256 to as high as $185,111. These figures don’t account for lost wages or the initial emergency treatment required immediately after an injury, which can result in medical costs as high as $1,000,000.

Motorcycle Accidents Attorney In Dallas

Contact us online or give us a call at to request a free consultation today.

Representing Motorcycle Accident Victims Throughout Texas

There is a lot of love for motorcycles in Texas. Unfortunately, with more motorcycle riders come more accidents – and quite often, these accidents are caused by car and truck drivers. Whether they are distracted, speeding, changing lanes, making left turns, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, negligent drivers can make the roadways extremely unsafe for motorcyclists.

If you have suffered injuries or lost a loved one in a motorcycle crash, contact the Law Offices of Robert Gregg for legal guidance. Our Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer has over 25 years of experience and has gained a reputation for integrity and excellence.

Recovering Damages For Motorcycle Accidents In Texas

In motorcycle accident cases, insurance companies are quick to blame the rider. However, in many cases, it is the other driver who is to blame for the crash.

Presenting compelling evidence of someone else’s fault on your own can be a challenging task. It is important to hire a qualified personal injury lawyer who has the necessary skills and resources to prove the fault of the other motorist. You will also want someone on your side who knows how to deal with the insurance company.

Truck Accident Attorney In Dallas

Contact us online or give us a call at to request a free consultation today.

You Owe Us Nothing Unless We Recover for You

The truck industry is big business in America. While most truck drivers are hard-working individuals who just want to make it home safely like the rest of us, sometimes big trucking companies put their bottom lines over the safety of the general public and even the safety of their drivers.

According to the American Trucking Association, the trucking industry made $726 billion in 2015 alone. These figures exceed the gross earnings of many oil companies. Yet, among large companies grossing this amount of money, the trucking industry remains among the most dangerous. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 3,852 people were killed in large truck crashes in 2015.

If you or a loved one was hurt in a truck accident in Dallas, it is important to understand that you have rights. At the Law Offices of Robert Gregg, we work closely with victims and families to help them seek the maximum possible recovery under the law. Truck companies often have teams of accident lawyers on their side protecting their interests – you need a Dallas truck accident lawyer on your side. Choose the Law Offices of Robert Gregg.

Truck Accident Injuries

Truck accidents can lead to devastating injuries for those who have been impacted.

Accident victims may suffer

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Internal injury
  • Broken bones
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Death

These injuries can impact families immensely. Some families may struggle to pay medical bills and rehabilitation expenses, while also making ends meet if a loved one has had to miss time from work to recover. Victims of an accident may also experience immense pain and suffering as a result of their injuries or disabilities.

How Can We Help You?

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